Anxiety & Depression

1643963305The thoughts run a mile a minute.

Swinging from small work tasks to significant events and everyday survival tasks is a part of your life.

In between, you fantasize about how you want your life to appear.

Vacillating back and forth and back and forth makes you nauseous until you can’t breathe.

Being unable to feel your body or move your legs makes you panicky.

Searing pain stops you from being able to do anything.

“Will I ever be okay?” This questioning leads you down a deep hole, causing you to crash.

Your body feels very heavy. You can’t manage even the smallest of tasks now. You want to go into a tunnel of Netflix, guilty snacking, and your comfortable bed.

Then, the monsters start their mantras: “What have you done with your life? You’re not worthy of anything. That’s why you feel this bad.”

Those monsters berate you until you start to sob. You go from being numb to utterly ashamed – back and forth, back and forth.

2234123173Anxiety and depression are two sides of the same horrid coin.

Flipping from one to the other doesn’t make a difference – both sides are equally terrible. Unfortunately, you’re so used to it that you’re unsure of another way of living.

Other therapies that you tried aren’t cutting it.

You want to feel like yourself again and know you need help overcoming your anxiety and depression.

Here’s the good news.

The good news is you can be free from manipulating your moods! You can pitch that coin out of your life!

You know the symptoms of anxiety and depression. I don’t have to list them here. What you want to know is how to stop them. It requires a change in your body and breath.

Together, we’ll retrain your body to breathe in a particular pattern to balance anxiety and depression.

You’ll discover where and how to move when you feel your symptoms.

Our work together will have immediate effects!

573439645Mitigate the symptoms and get to the root of the problem.

You will have significant relief with a little shift in your breath and body. You will have more space to ask more profound questions and receive greater messages from your body.

As you focus on your breath and body, you can listen to what you need and act on it!

There will be no more fear of your emotions. They will no longer be too big or too much. Believe it or not, you will trust and love your feelings!

It’s time to leap! Find relief and discover your true self free from anxiety and depression! Let’s start our work together.